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Oman: Oman’s refineries and petroleum industries have witnessed a remarkable surge in production, as indicated by the preliminary statistics released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) at the end of April 2023.

The overall increase stands at an impressive 30.8 percent, with notable contributions from liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and paraxylene products, driving the growth in exports.

In terms of specific products, the production of standard-grade petrol (M-91) experienced a staggering surge of 230.7 percent. This is a significant milestone of 1.20 million barrels. However, the production of M-95 grade fuel witnessed a decline of 87.2 percent, amounting to about 201,600 barrels, in comparison to the same period in 2022.

Furthermore, the production of gas oil, commonly known as diesel, witnessed a substantial rise of 84.2 percent, resulting in a total of 6,743,100 barrels. Similarly, the production of jet fuel experienced a remarkable increase of 89.8 percent, reaching 2,101,300 barrels.

In addition, the production of liquefied petroleum gas saw an impressive output of 292,700 barrels. Paraxylene production, an essential component in the production of plastics, reached 158,600 metric tonnes. Furthermore, gasoline production witnessed a remarkable upswing, soaring by 363.2 percent to reach 51,400 metric tonnes.

Lastly, polypropylene production, a vital material in various industries, experienced a significant growth rate of 41.5 percent. This resulted in a production volume of 79,300 metric tonnes.

Future Potential

These robust figures indicate a thriving petroleum industry in Oman, driven by increased production in various categories. The surge in exports, particularly in LPG and paraxylene products, demonstrates the ability of the Sultanate of Oman to meet the global demand for these essential commodities.

This remarkable growth not only strengthens the position of the Sultanate of Oman as a significant player in the global petroleum industry but also signifies the country’s commitment to harnessing its natural resources effectively.